Junk Art: Guaranteed to Make You Smile

Junk Art Sebastopol, California

The junk art of Patrick Amiot is guaranteed to make you smile. More than 170 outdoor sculptures adorn the yards and businesses of the small town of Sebastopol. Take a break from wine tasting at the award-winning wineries in the area to enjoy unique art.

The street on which Patrick Amiot lives has more than 20 sculptures scattered throughout the front yards. As a result, Florence Avenue is often called "The Art Street". It has become a tourist attraction.

His wacky and whimsical works of art are created from things he finds at junkyards and flea markets. Some objects are donated and he sometimes uses junk he finds laying on the side of the road. Discarded items such as old lids, a bathtub, and a worn-out ironing board have made their way into his yard art.

Patrick Amiot Junk Art Patrick began as a clay artist. One day he felt like doing something different than clay and created a 15-foot tall sculpture of a smiling fisherman.

Made from a garbage can, car parts, an old blender, scrap lumber, and other debris; people began to notice this unique piece of art when he placed it in his front yard. People wanted to see more. His career as a junk artist was launched.

Florence Avenue Sebastopol, California

Take a drive around town to see these creative, bold junk art sculptures. Drive down Florence Avenue. If you have time, visit his studio to browse or purchase a work of art for yourself. These fun and inventive creations really do bring a smile to your face!

Big Time Gallery
Big Times Art Studio
Address: 2371 Gravenstein Highway South, Sebastopol, CA 95472
Telephone: (707) 824-9388

Directions to Florence Avenue from Santa Rosa
1. Take Highway 12 West all the way into Sebastopol.
2. Highway 12 will become Bodega Avenue.
3. Turn right onto Florence Avenue. Begin at Patrick Amiot's house, which is at 328 Florence Avenue, Sebastopol. Flyers describing these unique sculptures may be available outside the residence.

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