Blackberry Inn Mendocino

Blackberry Inn Mendocino

Relax in comfort at the Blackberry Inn Mendocino. Located just a few minutes from downtown Mendocino, this adorable inn offers unique lodging in a quiet hillside setting. And they do it at a price that is quite reasonable for Mendocino.

Each room exterior is modeled after buildings you'd expect to see in an old Western town. Rooms include Sheriff's Office, Saloon, Bank, Barbershop, School House, and so on. I have to admit that I was worried that the setting might be a little "too quirky". After arrival, I found that the unique decor is adorable.

The grounds and the rooms are meticulously maintained. Surrounded by meadows and trees there's even a view of the ocean through the trees in the distance. You can see the ocean from some of the rooms.

The Bank - Blackberry Inn

Interiors are spacious and well appointed. Guests are greeted with a basket of sweets that includes cookies and homemade breads along with a bottle of local wine. Chocolates are sitting on the bedside table.

Blackberry Inn We stayed in the Bank and we loved it. Amenities included a king size bed, huge bathroom with roman tub, a shower, a small well-stocked kitchen area, a sitting area, cable television, flat screen television, window seat with a partial ocean view, and free WI-FI. It was a cheerful room with lots of windows letting in the natural light.

Blackberry Inn is family owned with great pride in providing guests with a wonderful experience. Customer service is outstanding. They go out of their way to make sure you enjoy your stay. We will definitely return next time we are visiting Mendocino!

Blackberry Depot

Blackberry Inn Contact Information
Address: 4495 Larkin Rd., Mendocino, CA 95460
Telephone: (707)937-5281

Directions From Downtown Mendocino
1. Go left on CA-1 North.
2. Turn right onto Larkin Rd. It's not far at all so keep your eyes open!
3. Follow the road up the hill to the Blackberry Inn on the right.

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