Be sure to dine at Cafe Beaujolais. We've eaten at most of the restaurants in Mendocino and this is easily our favorite Mendocino restaurant.
The California French cuisine is outstanding with an emphasis on organically grown local produce. The food we ordered was perfectly prepared. We shared a bowl of white bean soup topped with an heirloom tomato salsa. A great starter!
Kathy had Mary's Free Range Chicken Breast with white cheddar risotto. The sauce on the chicken was creamy and full of flavor. The risotto had a rich, buttery yet tangy flavor that we both loved.
I devoured the Pan Roasted California Sturgeon Fillet. Served with a house made tagliatelle, truffle emulsion sauce, wild forest mushrooms, beets and snap peas. . .it melts in your mouth. The fish was tender and juicy.
I enjoyed the local blackberry crisp for dessert. It was served with an amazing Tahitian vanilla bean ice cream.
I loved my dessert, but Kathy's was even better. She had their classic creme brulee. I've eaten creme brulee at many restaurants and this is definitely one of the best. It had a rich vanilla flavor and was so creamy.
We will definitely return to this Mendocino restaurant whenever we are in the area. If you haven't eaten here, we highly recommend it. Make reservations because this is a small, popular establishment.
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