Located just 3 miles south of Mendocino, Van Damme State Park is absolutely beautiful. Highway 1 divides the park in half. Turn inland off the highway to enter the campground and trail area. Van Damme Beach is west of the highway.
This beach is extremely popular with abalone divers. Leashed dogs are allowed on the beach.
There are 10 miles of trails for hikers or bicyclists. Most come to hike or bike the lush Fern Canyon Trail. This 5-mile roundtrip trail is carpeted with ferns as well as redwoods, red alder, maple, Douglas Firs, and wild cucumber and berry bushes.
The Pygmy Forest is an oddity that occurs in several spots in the county. Some visitors are fascinated by the 60 year old trees that are just a few feet tall and less than an inch in diameter, while others have no interest at all in these scrawny plants. They're caused by acidic soil with little nutrients combined with poor root penetration.
The lower campsites are located right next to the Little River Creek. Even in the summer water will be flowing close to your tent or RV. Some campsites are more spacious than others, but the surroundings are lush and green throughout the year.
If you are looking for seclusion, try one of the ten campsites that you must walk or bike to reach. Reservation Information
Van Damme State Park
Address: Highway 1, south of Mendocino
Telephone: (707)937-5804
Camp, Hike, Bike, Kayak, Abalone Diving
Armstrong Redwoods - Sonoma County
Big Basin Redwoods - Santa Cruz
Van Damme State Park - Mendocino
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